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The Feldenkrais Method®

Home  The Feldenkrais Method®
The Feldenkrais Method® is an educational system that uses movement to improve awareness, refining proprioception and rebalancing posture. It was developed by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984), engineer and black belt in judo.

The lessons of the method guide us to observe ourselves in movement, to recognize our patterns and to bring out new solutions. Practice allows us to discover to what extent aspects of ourselves that were thought to be immutable are, on the contrary, very flexible: when these patterns were learned in childhood or later, we see that they can continue to evolve.

We can learn new ways of standing, sitting, moving, and reacting to a problem. Discovering these possibilities within yourself is a great relief: it creates confidence, stimulates curiosity and creativity and generates vitality!
In practice, the Feldenkrais Method® is expressed in two modalities: an individual one called “Functional Integration®” and a group one called “Awareness Through Movement®”.

The two modalities are an expression of the same principles in action. The group lessons are verbally guided by the pratictioner, students are lying or sitting on the floor, or standing or sitting on a chair; the individual lessons are guided by the touch, and we use a very large and comfortable table together with pillows and rolls.

Depending from the needs of the student I will recommend the one or the other way to access the Feldenkrais Method®. Specific problems, acute pain, or other situations may need one or a series of individual lessons, to begin.


Every Wednesday morning REQUEST THE LINK
Via Firenze, 42 56025 Pontedera (PI) - Italy SPAZIO NU
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“Il meglio può essere migliorato, il giusto rimane sempre un limite”

— da Le basi del metodo per la consapevolezza dei processi psicomotori di Moshe Feldenkrais

“I sistemi nervosi sono magnifici ripensamenti di una natura senza mente e senza pensiero, ma capace di una prescienza pionieristica”

— da Sentire e conoscere di Antonio Damasio

“Birth is not so much a beginning as it is an abrupt change in which suddenly there are different factors than those in the womb, and there is gravity. With gravity, a new negotiation begins, and these terms condition us for the rest of our lives”

— da Gravity di Steve Paxton

“Abitando il corpo e ascoltandolo profondamente riportiamo a galla una memoria comune a tutti. Il sacro respiro che ci allaccia al mondo intero, quando ci perdiamo, ci raccorda a un’intensità d’essere esistente e vagabonda che fa casa … La meditazione, come la poesia, è una memoria. Memoria d’essere”

— da Il silenzio è cosa viva di Chandra Livia Candiani